Register for a free account

Before you sign up, please read the following statement...

After you register for your free account (below), you will be able to use this website to request a new portrait, upload pictures of your pet, or to view the progress updates and the status of any in-progress or completed portraits you have already submitted.

To help me find the best picture to work from, I recommend you upload 1–5 quality photos of your pet. We will discuss which pictures will produce the best portraits and together select one to base the portrait off of.

After you have uploaded your pictures and submitted your portrait for me to review, I will send you a confirmation e-mail letting you know I have received your request. After that, we will do all our communication through e-mail so I can document any request made by you to insure you receive the best portrait I can provide. Please mark me as a contact in your e-mail so my messages get to you promptly.

Please remember I am painting from a picture you provide, and I will not alter it in any way that is outside of my artistic abilities. I reserve the right to decline requests for portraits that I feel are not within my artistic capabilities.

Once I approve your portrait request, I will require a down payment of $25 paid before I begin work on your portrait. This deposit allows me to prepare for the portrait and secure you a time frame on my calendar. I will send two invoices. One for the down payment and, after final approval of the completed portrait, for the remainder of the portrait price. (See pricing and how it works).

All of the payments you make will be made through a secure third-party website, to protect your financial information.

Thank you again and I look forward to working with you.


Sign up for a new account

  • Passwords must be at least 6 characters long
  • Passwords must contain at least one lowercase character (a-z)
  • Passwords must contain at least one uppercase character (A-Z)
  • Passwords must contain at least one digit (0-9)
  • Passwords must contain at least one special character (non-letter and non-digit).